Saturday, 11 April 2015

Top Ten Tuesday...On Saturday

This is a new thing that I'm starting - Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish blog. Every week (hopefully Tuesday but my laptop's broken so it'll be whenever I can get to a computer) there will be a new top 10 bookish list of things. This week's list is Top 10 characters you'd like to check in with, so, in no particular order, here's my list...

  1. Sean and Puck - The Scorpio Races by Maggie StiefvaterThis book was so good and, while I probably wouldn't want an entire book about them because it's so good as a standalone; I would like maybe a novella or short story about them and their families. Are they still racing? Did Puck keep her family together? Lots of questions that I would like answered at some point in some form.
  2. Daemon and Katy - The Lux series by Jennifer L. ArmentroutThis is my favourite series at the moment. Kat and Daemon's relationship is so perfect and I think I've read the series at least ten thousand times since February this year (which is when I first found it). There are some extra bits about their life dotted around the Internet which I love reading but I could honestly read another ten books about these characters I just love them so much.
  3. Gabriel and Kaitlin - The Dark Visions series by L.J.SmithL.J. Smith's books are a bit hit and miss for me but I loved this series so much. Gabriel is such a...tricky character to like but once you get to know him he's a sweetheart. Apparently there is another book coming in the series but that rumour has been going around for a few years now so I don't know whether we will or not but again, I'd really like to see what these characters are up to now.
  4. Ash and Meghan (and Puck) - The Iron Fey series by Julie KagawaYou all knew this was coming. What can I say - I need more Ash in my life. Like with the Lux series, I could read hundreds of books about these characters and not get bored. I would love to see the wedding and the birth of their son and just generally know what life is like for them as rulers now. I'm sure wherever Puck is, trouble isn't far behind anyway...
  5. Bianca and Lucas - Evernight series by Claudia GrayA paranormal series with a difference. I'd really want to know how they've managed to get around the whole human-ghost issue they've got going on and whether they've returned to Evernight or whether Lucas and his mom have made up. Lots of questions but few answers, which seems to be a common theme in this post
  6. Sarah and Natasha - The Horse Dancer by JoJo MoyesNot really a YA book but I fell in love with this story none the less. It's a beautiful and magical story that has stayed with me since I turned the last page. We get a brief look at life after the story at the end of the book but I'd love to know more about Sarah's life training and whether she thinks her grandfather would have been proud of her for following in his footsteps.
  7. Gavriel and Tana - The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly BlackI need more! Does Tana go cold? Does she stay together with Gavriel in the Coldtown or do they escape and leave the confines of the town? What happens?!?! I love it as a standalone yes BUT there are so many things I need to know that isn't answered in the book. Pray with me for a sequel...
  8. Four/Tobias - Divergent by Veronica RothBecause after that ending I need to make sure my baby is okay. Veronica cannot leave me hanging like that without knowing he's doing okay. Plus I kind of want to know how he's getting on with his parents and without the factions.
  9. Willow and Alex - Angel trilogy by L.A WeatherlyI thought this series ended well so I don't think another book is needed, but again, maybe a novella, just to let us know how Willow and Alex are doing after the war with the angels. Did they travel anywhere or did they just stay at the cabin?
  10. Jace and Clary - the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra ClareAgain, probably an obvious choice and again, a novella is probably only needed but I want to know whether Clary got her best friend back, how Luke and Jocelyn are getting on now they're married and how Jace and Clary are. Does she live at the Institute now? Taking bets on how many arguments the pair of them have had over something stupid...
So there you have it - my top ten list of characters that I would most like to check in with because I'm a nosey person like that. Plus, most of these are book boyfriends and who wouldn't want to spend more time in their pleasant company? Like I said - hopefully these will be every Tuesday but it depends on when I can get to a computer that actually works.

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