Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is the ten books you would love to see as a TV show/movie. As usual, go and check out The Broke and the Bookish and lets get started.

  1. Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout - so this is kind of cheating because there is an Obsidian movie currently in the works but since we don't know anything about it yet it's going on the list.
  2. The Iron King by Julie Kagawa - I would love to see these books turned into movies but I would be wary of it if it did ever happen because fantasy films seem to be either amazing or awful. If it was done well though, it would be amazing.
  3. Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake - I'm not a huge horror fan - I'm quite easily scared and as such, I've never seen a horror movie in my life - but this is the one horror book that I would go and see in a movie. Cas' sarcasm would be amazing to see on the big screen.
  4. Evernight by Claudia Gray - I think this would actually be better as a TV show. We could spend so much more time getting to know the characters and learning about the school and their lives. I think Evernight would make an amazing TV show and I would love to watch it.
  5. Dark Visions by L.J. Smith - I didn't really like the Vampire Diaries as books - the TV show is way better - but this book introduced me to L.J. Smith and I loved it. I'm not sure whether a movie or TV series would suit the books better but either way it's definitely on the list.
  6. Angel by L.A Weatherly - This is a series that I completely fell in love with and would love to see brought to life. Alex and Willow's story is so sweet and I love them so much.
  7. City of Halves by Lucy Inglis - this is very similar to the Mortal Instruments but I loved this book so much. The characters are so lifelike and funny and I just love it and need to see it in real life.
  8. Clarity by Kim Harrington - intriguing plot and characters. I could watch seasons and seasons of this if it was a TV Show.
  9. Saving June - the music in this book would make a great movie soundtrack. I'm thinking this would be kind of like If I Stay or Fault in our Stars kind of emotion, especially at the end, with the added bonus of about ten million times more sarcasm.
  10. Gravity by Tess Gerritsen - despite the recent movie of the same name and the fact this isn't actually YA, I would love to see these characters brought to life. You really get to see the complexities of a shuttle launch and the added mystery of the disease/organism kept me gripped from cover to cover and I'd love to see this as a movie or TV show.
That's my list - what's yours?

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