Monday, 12 December 2016


Since this is a book blog, today I am resurrecting an old book tag that made the circuit on booktube a few years ago; The Winter Wonderland Book Tag. The original tag was started by JackEatsBooks here.

1. What book is so happy and sweet it warms your heart?
I have a collection of Winnie the Pooh stories that was a gift on my christening day that I love. I don't think there are any books that are totally happy and sweet - there's angst in every story surely?

2. What is your favourite book with a white cover?
Empire of Storms by Sarah J Maas. That book destroyed me in every way possible and was my favourite book in the Throne of Glass series.

3. You're sitting in a nice comfy chair, wearing a onesie, with a lovely warm hot chocolate but what MONSTER read are you reading?
I don't think I own a truly monstrous book, although Sarah J Maas' books this year have been huge, so I think I'd probably have to go Empire of Storms again, just because they had to print the book on Bible pages so they would fit on bookshelves.

4. It started snowing so you decided to have a snowball fight! What fictional character would you love to have the snowball fight with?
I'm going to say Daemon from the Lux series, just because I would love to wipe the smug look off his face. There would have to be a rule that he couldn't use his super speed though so that I would have a chance of winning!

5. Sadly, your fire is beginning to go out. So what book would you tear the last few chapters out to throw into the fire?
Allegiant by Veronica Roth. Not because of the ending per say but the whole book in general was just a let down after the first two books. The dual POV didn't work and both Tobias and Tris annoyed me so much in that book.

6.  What book is so close to your heart that you would gift to someone this Christmas who hasn't read before but wants to get into reading?
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas. I think the plot and the world and the characters are just so amazing in this series and, although it takes a while to get going, the last couple of hundred pages grip you and ACOMAF has you hooked from start to finish. So I would gift this series.

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