Monday 4 May 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Another Top Ten Tuesday (this time on a Monday because I've managed to get five minutes on a laptop that works) and this week it's my Top Ten Books I'll Probably Never Read. As always, this feature comes from The Broke and the Bookish blog so, if any of you have your own blog and want to try it out - there's a list there of all the prompts up till June. Here we go:

  1. The Shiver trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater - this might come as a surprise to some of you because most of Maggie's books I rave about - specifically the Raven Boys series - but I've heard so many mixed reviews about this series; most of them being quite bad ones, that it's just kind of put me off reading the trilogy. Maybe I'll pick it up one day but for right now, this is one of Maggie's series I'm in no hurry to pick up
  2. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte - there are very few classic books that I actually really enjoy and I really don't like the Bronte sisters. I've read a quarter of Jane Eyre and, to date, is the only book I have never persevered with to finish. I'm reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte for college and I've had the same problem - I don't like the Bronte's writing style or the plots. The books seem to be a love hate thing and unfortunately for me, I'm definitely in the hate camp
  3. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Toilken - 'What?!?!' I hear many of you cry - hear me out. I've never been interested in the series and it's never occurred to me to pick the book up because of this. Yes it's a classic and I'm sure it's a great book but it's never appealed to me and I don't think it ever will.
  4. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins - I'm beginning to realise I'm going to be making enemies with this list but again, the series has never really appealed to me. I've picked them up in a library haul but I always seem to find other books I'm more excited about reading. I'm sure this book and it's companions are as amazing as everyone seems to think but for me, there are other books that appeal to me a lot more.  
  5. The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman - so I've kind of watched the film of this (and by kind of I mean it was a while ago and all I can remember if Lyra riding a polar bear) and I didn't really enjoy it (again, from what I can remember) so it's unlikely that I will ever have the urge to pick up this book
  6. Cross my heart and hope to Spy by Ally Carter - this is a series that I see every time I walk into a book shop and every time I look at it and wonder if I should try it but so far I've always decided the answer to that is no. It's never been a book that I've thought - I have to pick that up - like most of these books, there's always another book I'd rather be reading
  7. The Selection series by Keira Cass - this is a series that I have contemplated picking up, but, like Shiver, I've heard so many bad things about this series that I don't really think I'll ever pick the series up.
  8. The 100 by Cass Morgan - the reason I won't pick this book up is because it's based on the TV show and the TV show is just better. I've seen this book in libraries and I did start to read the first couple of pages but, from what I can tell, it's just a book version of the TV show and I'd rather watch the show than re-read what I've just watched
  9. Half Wild by Sally Green - I really didn't like the first book in this series. I picked the first one up last year and read it on holiday and I was really disappointed in it. There was something missing and it just really put me off picking up this sequel
  10. The Fault in our Stars by John Green - I've read half of this book and, despite the hype, don't feel the urge to pick it up and finish it. I do want to read some more of John Green's work - some that haven't had the build TFioS has. I think if I read this book now, I'd be quite disappointed because of all the hype it's had - maybe when this phenomenon has died down a little I'll read it but, if/when that happens, for now it's on this list
So there you go, there's by Top 10 of books I'll probably never read. There are a couple like the Shiver trilogy that I'm still undecided by so maybe I'll pick them up and give them a go soon, maybe not. What would be on your list?


  1. I had to read Jane Eyre for school and only got halfway through it (and I thought halfway was an achievement considering how much I hated it!). I doubt I'll read Maggie Steifvater's Shiver either, I love her but it sounds too romance-y. The Selection series was on my list this week. I don't think I'll ever read LOTR and I won't read Anna and The French Kiss for the same reasons as Shiver. I haven't read the Gallagher girls books by Ally Carter but I've never felt inclined to. If I can recommend anything from her, I'd recommend her Heist Society books, they are great!
    I hated TFIOS, you are doing yourself a favour not finishing it.
    My TTT:

    1. I'm impressed you got half way through it as well! I had to read Wuthering Heights for English and it almost killed me! I love Maggie Stiefvater - The Raven Boys series is one of my favourites - but after all the bad things I've heard about the Shiver series I just don't think it's one for me which is a shame. I'll remember that next time I'm at my library. I've never read anything by Ally Carter either but I'm definitely up for it! Thanks for commenting :)
